RCMA’s Wimauma Community Academy utilizes Dual Language One-Way Immersion Program in order to develop basic skill acquisition, literacy, math, and content area skills, in both english and spanish. It is our mission to engage, educate and empower our students to be bilingual, bicultural and biliterate.
Our school offers Dual Language Instruction of grade level content in both Spanish and English From Kindergarten to Fourth Grade. The program will expand each year by one grade level. The Florida Department of Education and the Office of Multicultural Student Languages Education recommends this strategy to be an acceptable model to meet LEP needs, as well as foreign language development for monolingual students.
Extensive research points towards Dual Language Programs providing effective instruction for second language learners to develop competency in academic skills in both languages.
Our Dual Language Immersion Program also addresses various types of reading and literacy development for students (read aloud, guided, modeled/shared, interactive and independent).
Through the Dual Language Immersion model, our school meets the various learning styles of all students and allows them to develop from emergent readers to fluent readers in all subjects in the English and Spanish languages.
The RCMA Wimauma Community Academy actively partners with community initiatives that support the integration and development of instruction with educational technology. A connected community involved in the learning process of all RCMA students and families will lessen the digital divide and provide more opportunities to develop digital literacy concepts through informed access and knowledge about technology concepts as academic support tools. It is the RCMA Wimauma Community Academy’s mission to “Engage, Educate and Empower” with educational technologies by focusing upon instructional strategies used by educators to engineer learning. Technology is drawn upon as a tool that is pivotal to student achievement and success.
As the RCMA Wimauma Community Academy endeavors to develop digital classroom spaces, we are mindful that our desired outcomes are to:
-Transform Learning
-Provide student centered learning opportunities
-Provide Student Choice in order to support different learning styles and accommodations
The RCMA Wimauma Community Academy Community School provides access to a variety of technology tools including iPads and Chromebook computers. Our classrooms use technology either in a one-to-one environment (every student has access to a device for student centered learning) or shared use (students share devices in order to accomplish collaborative learning tasks).
iPads provide a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate both what happens in the classroom as well as how students work at home with their parents (iPad initiative).Technology initiatives are supported by active community partners and enable students to explore learning with a suite of 40 applications that our staff can use as tools to supplement regular classroom instruction(whole group, centers or split models) using educational technology. Applications for Math, English/Language Arts and Spanish are readily available. Additional applications that support student portfolios, presentations and assessment are also available.
Chromebooks and the use of Google Apps for Education are additional platforms available to our students.As these two platforms synchronously offer a collaborative learning space, Google Apps for Education are valuable resources for our staff and students to use as tools to support instruction.
The content on this webpage was created with you in mind. Working in the school environment could be very rewarding, but at the same time it could be very challenging. During these many years working at RCMA I witness firsthand that the people that I work with, do this work with passion, love for the community, and the intention to help individuals to achieve their full potential.
To keep up doing what we do for the education in our community and keep up with the highest standards, we need to take care of ourselves. I hope that the content in this section could help you acquire the tools that you need to take care of the beautiful being that you are.
“Don’t do any task in order to get it over with. Resolve to do each job in a relaxed way, with all your attention. Enjoy and be one with your work.”
― Thích Nhất Hạnh
If you need more information about any of these topics you could contact one of us:
Cesar A. Roman- Email address: cesar@rcma.org
Holly Paulsboe – Email address: holly.paulsboe@rcma.org
Leslie Valdivia – Email address: leslie.valdivia@rcma.org
El contenido de esta página web se ha creado pensando en ti. Trabajar en el entorno escolar puede ser muy gratificante, pero al mismo tiempo puede ser muy desafiante. Durante estos años de trabajo en RCMA he sido testigo de primera mano de que las personas con las que trabajo lo hacen con pasión, amor por la comunidad y la intención de ayudar a las personas a alcanzar su máximo potencial.
Para seguir haciendo lo que hacemos por la educación en nuestra comunidad y mantener los más altos estándares, tenemos que cuidar de nosotros mismos. Espero que el contenido de esta sección pueda ayudarte a adquirir las herramientas que necesitas para cuidar del hermoso ser que eres.
“No hagas ninguna tarea para acabar con ella. Resuelve hacer cada trabajo de forma relajada, con toda tu atención. Disfruta y sé uno con tu trabajo”.
– Thích Nhất Hạnh
Si necesitas más información sobre cualquiera de estos temas, puedes ponerte en contacto con uno de nosotros:
Cesar A. Roman- Email address: cesar@rcma.org
Holly Paulsboe – Email address: holly.paulsboe@rcma.org
Leslie Valdivia – Email address: leslie.valdivia@rcma.org