To address a concern or seek resolution for a problem, we ask parents to address the situation in the following manner. This will be the most productive way to address academic, behavior and other concerns.
1) First, address the problem with the teacher or other staff member directly. Remain calm and state your concerns respectfully and with as much detail as possible. Be open to hearing other sides of the issue.
2) If after this discussion your concern remains unresolved we ask that you speak to the Principal or the Director of After School Programs, should it be an after school concern.
3) If you remain unsatisfied, continue working through the problem up the “chain of support” by speaking with the RCMA Director of Charter Schools.
4) Should it be necessary, the next step is to address matter with the RCMA Executive Director.
Complaints that remain unresolved may then be addressed to the RCMA Board through a written formal complaint process.
Formal Complaints to the Board
Formal complaints are made in writing to the RCMA Board of Education. All complaints will be adequately, reliably, and objectively investigated and any evidence presented by the person(s) making the complaint considered. Your concern will be responded to in writing within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed ten business days.
The response will summarize the concern(s) raised and the course and finding of the investigation, as well as identify an appropriate outcome to your appeal.
These grievance procedures apply to any concerns that may arise, including but not limited to concerns about discrimination or harassment. All information presented and discovered during the course of an investigation will remain confidential. RCMA Charters will not retaliate against any person who raises a concern using the procedures outlined above or otherwise participates in the investigation of such concerns. If, during the course of the investigation, it is determined that corrective or remedial action is necessary, such action will be taken in a prompt and reasonable manner.
Contact Information for the individuals to whom formal grievances are to be made are as follows:
Lidia C. Mendoza
Family Liaison
(239) 867-3220 x 1573
Zulaika Quintero
(239) 867-3220 x 1501
Juana Brown
Director of Charter Schools
(239) 867-3220 x 1038
Isabel Garcia
Executive Director
(239) 658-3560 x 1035
Linda Miles
Chair – RCMA Board
(813) 672-5159
Parent Workshop Flyer
Latest Parent Workshop Flyer – Eng and Spanish
Missed the Past Parent Workshop?
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SAC Meeting Flyer
Latest SAC Meeting Flyer – Eng and Spanish
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Parent Teacher Night Flyer
Latest Parent Teacher Night Flyer – Eng and Spanish
Supply Lists
Kinder – 5th School Supply List English and Spanish
Kinder – 5th grade School_Supply_List_2024-2025-english-and-spanish.pdf
Middle School Supplies List English and Spanish
Middle School Supply List 2024-2025 – English and Spanish.pdf